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About the Plan

What does it take to run a city?​ To manage land use, transportation, economic development, public services, and natural and cultural resources? In accordance with Alabama Code of Law § 11-52-18, cities throughout the state, Moody among them, prepare themselves for such responsibilities through a process called comprehensive planning — working with their respective communities to develop goals, strategies and actions to guide their next 10 to 20 years.

Comprehensive planning sets expectations, providing a framework for evaluating development proposals as a city grows and evolves. It expresses the community’s vision and priorities, and describes where and how development should occur.

Beginning late summer, 2022, and continuing for the next 9-12 months, the City of Moody will be working with the community to draft such a plan. There will be multiple opportunities to contribute, both online and in-person, as we move from baseline conditions to a defined vision for the future, and from goals and ambitions to the strategies and action steps that will get us there.

Take a look around, learn more about the process, share information with your neighbors, and come be a part of it. We look forward to working with you.

FAQ Direct Link
  • What is a Comprehensive Plan?
    A Comprehensive Plan is a policy document — a roadmap, really — used by city leaders, developers, business owners, and residents to make decisions about future growth, development, infrastructure, and related improvements. Its policies inform land use and capital investment decisions over time, ensuring such decisions are not arbitrary, but rather thoughtfully planned as part of a community-driven, long-range vision for the city.
  • Why is this important to me?
    You have a vested interest in the city and the decisions it makes in the coming years. Decisions rooted in shared principles and agreed-upon priorities are those that best serve the interest of residents. Moody at the Crossroads will identify these principles and priorities and distill from them a common long-term vision for the city's future. This creates an environment of accountability and predictability over time, building increased trust between residents and city leadership.
  • What role does the community play?
    Over the course of the planning process, residents, business owners, landowners, and others will share their respective ideas for the city's future, providing the raw material for a collective community vision. What areas of Moody need to grow or change? What are some specific uses or opportunities you'd like to see here. More retail? More entertainment destinations? More parks? More offices? The community will then be tasked with review of and comment on the draft plan prior to its ultimate consideration by the city's Planning Commission.
  • How long will it take to complete?
    Typically 9 months to a year. We begin by working with the community to understand issues and challenges, and to develop a shared vision for the future of Moody. The planning team then prepares a draft plan based on the community’s vision and goals. Public meetings, open houses and online methods are utilized throughout to get input and public comments. Then ultimately, the plan goes before the City’s Planning Commission for adoption and the City Council for endorsement.
  • Who's running the process?
    Moody at the Crossroads is a project of the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham (RPCGB) together with the City of Moody, its residents, and planning + design consultant firms, Kimley-Horn and PlaceMakers.
  • How is it being paid for?
    This update to Moody's Comprehensive Plan is being funded through the Building Communities Program. The program is administered through the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham, who's providing federal funding for 80% of the project cost, while the City of Moody remains responsible for the 20% local government match of $35,000. This expenditure was approved by City Council at their regular meeting on January 24, 2022.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Our Mission
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