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Privacy Policy

We are committed to maintaining your online privacy and make every effort to ensure your rights are protected within the confines of this website. The City of Moody or its consultants are not responsible for the privacy practices or the contents of external sites linking to or from this site.


As a visitor to our site, your IP address is automatically collected solely for analytical traffic data to determine the number of computers used to visit our site, the pages visited most often, and the timeframe used most frequently. This statistical data is gathered to analyze what information users are seeking and how the City of Moody and its consultants can best provide it. However, outside of information willingly provided by users contacting the project team or joining the email list, we do not collect or track personal information on any individual using the site.


If you choose to share personal information with us, that information is available only to city employees and project consultants who provide a service related to your correspondence. Access is given to those qualified professionals who are assigned the job of providing city services consistent with your interactions with the Moody at the Crossroads website.


These guidelines are subject to change. It is therefore recommended that you refer back to them periodically.


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